Congregation Beit Shalom

A 100% VirJEWal Synagogue serving the needs of all backgrounds of the Jewish Community of
Central, NJ since 1983

Eli B. Perlman, Rabbi

Who is Congregation Beit Shalom?

Congregation Beit Shalom / Monroe Township is a unique Conservative Egalitarian Congregation. The difference between this and other congregations is that we are truly a family. We get together to pray, to learn, to laugh, to sing, to schmooze - and it is 100% VirJEWal. When someone is in need, we help each other in ways that continue to inspire everyone.

To attend VirJEWal Religious Services
Every Shabbat and Yom Tov Morning at
9:30 am ET on YouTube... and to attend the next VirJEWal Kabbalat Shabbat Service on Friday, December 27, 2024, at 7:30 pm ET

Shabbat Miketz
Torah: Gen. 41.1-44.17.
Hanukkah III
Torah: Num. 7.24-35.
Haftorah: Zechariah 2.14-4.7.

This Sidra tells us of the rehabilitation of Yosef and his elevation to the position of Prime Minister of Egypt. It all begins, appropriately enough, with a dream. When the Paro's court magicians cannot interpret a disturbing series of their master’s dreams, the steward conveniently remembers Yosef the dreamer who is languishing in prison.

When Yosef warns Paro that seven years of plenty will be followed by seven brutal years of famine, and when he counsels that appropriate savings measures should be implemented immediately, he is rewarded with a high position, and administers the very program he counseled be started. This saves Egypt when the famine finally hits.
The surrounding Bedouin, including Yaakov and his clan, must turn to Egypt and its vast storehouses during the famine years. Egyptian Yosef, recognizing his brothers who come to Egypt on a buying expedition, rakes them over the coals, accusing them as being spies. He imprisons them, demanding they bring their youngest brother, Binyamin, to be brought to him.

After a series of ruses, Yosef manages to have Binyamin declared a slave, a move that will surely mean the end of the aged Patriarch Yaakov. The showdown is at hand.
This Sidra is usually read on Shabbat Chanukah, but occasionally falls on the day after Chanukah if it ends on a Friday.

Click here to attend Services on YouTube

Watch Rabbi Eli's
Divrei Torah

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