Congregation Beit Shalom

A 100% VirJEWal Synagogue serving the needs of all backgrounds of the Jewish Community of
Central, NJ since 1983

Eli B. Perlman, Rabbi

Who is Congregation Beit Shalom?

Congregation Beit Shalom / Monroe Township is a unique Conservative Egalitarian Congregation. The difference between this and other congregations is that we are truly a family. We get together to pray, to learn, to laugh, to sing, to schmooze - and it is 100% VirJEWal. When someone is in need, we help each other in ways that continue to inspire everyone.

To attend VirJEWal Religious Services
Every Shabbat and Yom Tov Morning at
9:30 am ET on YouTube... and to attend the next VirJEWal Kabbalat Shabbat Service on Friday, July 19, 2024 at 7:30 pm ET

Shabbat Pinhas:
Torah: Num. 25.10-30.1.
Haftorah: Jeremiah 1.1-2.3.

Pinchas is rewarded by G-d for his zealous acts of assassination. At a time when the fate of the nation hung in the balance, Pinchas' quick act, inspired by pure motives, is seen as positively good for Israel. Other zealots in history may not have acted with such pure motives. In fact, the Rabbis through the ages praised and compared Pinchas with Elijah, a later prophet of storm and fire.

This Sidra contains the second census of the nation. As they were about to enter Canaan, it was important to know the size of each tribe and its fighting force, both for the battle and the peaceful apportionment of the land that was to follow. Knowing he is going to die, Moshe prepares the people for life in the new land by first announcing the Divine appointment of Yehoshua as his successor to the leadership of the nation. Then, Moshe itemizes the Festival and Holy Day sacrifices to be brought in the sanctuary once Israel is safely settled in the Promised Land. Thus, Moshe ensures the political, social, and religious continuity of the legacy he taught the people in the wilderness.

Click here to attend Services on YouTube

Watch Rabbi Eli's
Divrei Torah

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